It's been a long time since I blogged. I've been so busy with my restaurant. But there's so much energy in the air it's hard to ignore. It's the energy of change.
Change is sweeping the world. The future is exciting. What excites me the most is a little red dot 85 miles north of the equator. Singapore. My homeland.
Singapore will have their General Elections on May 7. The PAP will retain control of parliament but it'll be interesting to see if the opposition makes any gains.
I'm one of the "losers" so labeled by the PAP because I chose to seek greener pastures elsewhere. I guess being a "lesser mortal[s]", it's only natural I'm a "loser". But how does that make me a "bacteria"?
Yes. The PAP has called Singaporeans "losers", "lesser mortals, and "bacteria". Great way to win votes.
I love Singapore and think the PAP did a great job, but maybe it's time for a little change and a huge dose of humility.