Good news is I didn’t go crazy so damage was minimal.
Still need to reduce my sodium intake. Got all the excess water in me.
Bad news for my healthy lifestyle is I’m going to Singapore for 3 weeks to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year with my family.
I’ve been training for strength & mass these pass 3 weeks as I know I’ll be consuming more calories. Thinking I might continue till I return. Then I’ll cut again.
Here’s the thing about me. I don’t have carb cravings anymore. I don’t crave sweets. I crave savory foods. When I’m hungry, I crave steak and eggs.
My lack of carb cravings help when I fall off the wagon. Eating a lot of meat doesn’t seem to pack on much fat, if any.
I’ve seen people who binge on sweets (soda, ice cream, etc…) when they fall off. They consume more calories and fat from sweet than they would eating meat. They also get hungry faster. IMHO, all those empty (simple) carbs don’t do anything. They’re useless… unless your goal is to store fat.
Not a good idea to give a fat person an ice cream maker.
In retrospect, my one carb weakness is Chili Cheese Fritos. I buy small packs. When the craving comes, I grab one and share with everyone. This way, I satisfy my craving but don’t go crazy.

Knowledge of portion size is very important. Cindy had 2 big bowls of a Cambodian desert made with coconut milk, cream corn and lots of sugar. She gave a big bowl to her diabetic mother. When asked why she gave her mom such a big bowl when she’s diabetic, Cindy replied that it’s not a lot.
Being concerned about Cindy’s health, we asked why she ate so much of that dessert. Cindy said she doesn’t eat this often so it’s ok (she had it 2-3 weeks ago). We reminded Cindy that she’s eats other sweets too.
Many older Chinese believe that eating too much meat is bad. I can understand that as Chinese people like the fattier cuts. But eating lean cuts won’t be a problem. Asia has the highest rate of protein deficiency because of this peception of meat.
After years of demonizing meat, I guess it’s hard to undo. But what about the dangers of excessive (simple) carbs?