Thursday, May 7, 2009

Home... For Now :)

It's been a year since we moved to the US, Dallas-Fort Worth to be precise. My in-laws were nice enough to invite us into their home while we looked for a restaurant location. Since the search is taking longer than expected, we moved out to an apartment (last week).

We wanted to wait for the restaurant before buying a house because DFW is so huge. The house and restaurant could end up more than 60 miles apart. I don't want to drive more than an hour to work.

Free rent is great but we really need the space and privacy. Also, my in-laws and us have different expectations when it comes to hygiene and safety. This made us very stressed from constantly worrying about the kids.

This one incident really riled me. Remember we have kids in the house. Jen's mom (Cindy) left a big knife on the table. When Jen told Cindy about the dangers, she got angry and raised her voice at Jen. Cindy told Jen that she raised 3 kids and didn't need to be told what to do.

Cindy has bad attitude. Even after that incident, she still leaves knives on laying around. That shows how much she cares for her grandkids, huh?

Raised 3 kids? Not without incidents I might add. She put her son in the ER after trying to self-medicate him with prescription medicine.

Did I mention that Jen's grandma craps on the floor?

The in-laws asked us to stay till we find a restaurant. We appreciate their hospitality all this while but we feel that moving out is the best option.

There is a lake separating a golf club and my apartment. I'm told that there is trout and bass in there. Looking forward to fishing.

We've reached an agreement with a shopping center. Hopefully, we can wrap up the restaurant soon so I can buy a house. Jen and the kids need a real home. A safe home.

Switchfoot - This is Home -

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