Just finished remodeling the restaurant. Just closed on a house. I am now setting up the restaurant, remodeling my house, and shopping for furniture and appliances.
I do not wish this on anyone. In the last three weeks, I've been surviving on very little sleep. I have to furnish both restaurant and house. I have to shuttle between job site, house, and furniture and appliance stores several times each day. Boot camp (BMT) was definitely easier.
Here's a sampling of my week to date.
Monday: Arrived at the restaurant at 8am and waited till 6pm for furniture that never arrived. Extremely pissed off as I am very busy. Went to Home Depot to buy door handles for the house. Went to the house to install the door handles.
Tuesday: Morning, the truckload of restaurant furniture finally arrives. Then I drove back to the house because Terminix came to take care of a fire ants problem. Terminix also found termites in the wood mulch. Noon, drive back to apartment to check on termite warranty. Afternoon, met with Amica's home inspector. Drove back to restaurant to check on the security system and walk-in cooler installation. Check on home remodeling progress.
Wednesday: Morning, had the fire inspection for the restaurant. Met with the Terminix termite inspector. Requested the termites to be terminated with extreme prejudice. Buy storage equipment for the garage. Check on home remodeling progress. Went home and finally got to spent some time with the kids. Later, look through over a thousand photos for restaurant art.
Thursday: Morning, a truckload (literally) of restaurant equipment arrives. Set up equipment pass 10pm. Check on home remodeling progress
Friday: Morning, I had a meeting with a service provider. Then there was the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and A/C inspection for the restaurant. Called in roofer to fix a leak. I also had the air ducts for the house cleaned. Set up shelves for the restaurants pass 9pm. Check on home remodeling progress.
Tomorrow, I have a staff interview in the morning and have to set up more equipment.
Tired. Need sleep. G'nite.
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