Friday, April 3, 2009

An Almost Perfect Day Almost Ended Horribly

I wanted to blog the Emily's first roller coaster ride and how excited she was seeing Shamu.

I wanted to blog about how happy Chloe was today, laughing all day.

I wanted to blog about dinner at the Chart House and our beautiful walk back to the hotel through Hemisfair Park.

I wanted to blog about this perfect day... but I can't.

My parents, Jen, the kids and I were on the SE corner of S. St. Mary's & E. Commerce waiting to cross onto the north side. Walk sign went on. As E. Commerce was a one-way street going eastwards, all the cars on the left stopped. We proceeded to cross...

Suddenly, a car turned very fast from the middle lane while I was pushing the stroller across. I froze. The girl driving the car almost hit the stroller. Emily was sleeping in the stroller.

That bitch was on the phone while driving and making an illegal left turn from the middle lane. SHE ALMOST KILLED MY EMILY!!!

I was (and still am) so mad. As I was removing Emily from the stroller when we were back in our room, I was overwhelmed by the thought that I almost lost Emily.

My emotions right now are indescribable.

For those who have a tendency to drive recklessly, think of the lives you could destroy.

Sleeping Child - Michael learns to rock

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