Monday, April 20, 2009

3rd World To 1st And Back Again

Singapore has a First World infrastructure and uses technology very effectively. Unfortunately, Singapore has a Third World culture of crudeness and rudeness. This is one of the areas where the PAP has failed.

Recently, I came across this FB group which got me thinking again.

The truth is that I left Singapore with a lot of bad feelings. I love my family and friends there but I HATE the ruling party. They've been in power forever and I don't see them being voted out soon.

Many Singaporeans dislike PAP but are too afraid of change to vote them out. As long as their rice bowl is filled and they have a tiny apartment to live in, they'll put up with shit.

Though the PAP has been losing votes, they manage to stay in power through gerrymandering. Their base is the older population. The younger generation will kick them out eventually.

Unfortunately, Singapore will be bled dry by then. Between the multimillion dollar minister's pay and the placement of their family members on the boards of government-linked companies, what's going to be left?

Singapore's education is technically superb, but they don't teach thinking. The system is geared towards creating excellent albeit mindless workers.

As I would still like to be able to visit my family and friends in Singapore, I will not go into details. I've heard stories from friends who have been detained by the ISA and feel that a windowless cell isn't the kind of accommodation for me.

I was very comfortable in Singapore. I had a town club membership and a live-in-maid. I just didn't see a future for my kids. Though I miss my family and friends dearly, I feel that giving my kids a future with hope is worth the sacrifice.

Camouflad - The Great Commandment -

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