Many people go through the vicious cycle of losing weight and putting back on the weight, only to end up fatter then before. Those people usually think weight loss is fat loss.
My parents and in-laws equate weight loss with fat loss. Most of us know it’s WRONG. Though it (weight loss is NOT fat loss) seems like common sense, many people still think they’re synonymous.
Think about it for a while…
You’re 250lbs, 100lbs fat (40%). You train and diet. Now you’re 220lbs, 92lbs fat. Are you leaner? NO, your bodyfat went up to 42%. You lost too much calorie burning muscle.
Yes, you did lose fat… BUT YOU GOT FATTER!
There are tons of info out there on maximizing fat loss while gaining muslce, maintaining, or minimizing muscle loss. Go read it up. I’m not going to reharsh everything.
Focus on bodyfat percentage, NOT weight.
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